Saturday, October 22, 2011

Mitt Rick

As of October 2011, only Herman Cain, Rick Perry, and Mitt Romney were able to win polls in multiple states. They were also the only candidates to reach at least 20 percent in polls in multiple states. Michele Bachmann, Newt Gingrich, and Sarah Palin were all able to win polls in multiple states earlier in the race, but have since seen a drop in support, and Palin has announced that she will not run. Before announcing that he would not run, Mike Huckabee was also winning polls in multiple states with numbers above 20%. At some point in the polling, Haley Barbour (MS), Jeb Bush (FL), Chris Christie (NJ), Jim DeMint (SC), Bobby Jindal (LA), Tim Pawlenty (MN), Paul Ryan (WI), and John Thune (SD) all succeeded in leading polls in their home states, although only Pawlenty actually launched a campaign. Pawlenty has since left the race.

Rick Perry: Mitt Romney is

Mitt Romney will soon paint

Texas Gov. Rick Perry on the


Mitt Romney and Rick Perry

Mitt Romney (Credit: Wikipedia

Texas Governor Rick Perry has

Rick Perry, left, and Mitt

Mitt Romney Versus Rick

Rick Perry is learning

As Rick Perry and Mitt Romney

Rick Perry Calls Ben Bernanke

As Rick Perry and Mitt Romney

Rick Perry and Mitt Romney

PHOTO: Rick Perry and Mitt

Mitt Romney Rick Perry

Rick Perry: "Fuck Mitt Romney.

GOP AD WARS: New Rick Perry

Rick Perry and Mitt Romney

told me that Rick Perry is

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